Lockdown 2020

During these uncertain times, where many of us are working from home, it is important to make sure we are not only taking care of ourselves physically but mentally too. Here are a few blogs that will help assist you to get through this difficult time. 


We can advise on which training courses to consider, professional studies, how to try and get that desired promotion, a change in career direction, altering working hours, etc. – the list goes on and on!

If you are unsure whether or how to take the next step in your career, email us at team@situations.gg and we will talk you through the best way forward.


Lockdown Recruitment Frequently asked Questions
Are companies still interviewing?

Yes, interviews are still happening at every job level, just in a different way these days. These are being conducted by video call via Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams.

Are companies still making offers of employment?

Yes, job offers are going out without the employer or candidate ever having physically met.


How are companies on-boarding new employees?

With the advances of technology, on-boarding new staff has never been easier, with online candidate screening checks available and Microsoft Teams making it easy to train new staff. Equipment is also delivered (non-contact).

Has the market slowed down?

Many candidates’ notice period can be anything from 3-6 months which has meant that recruitment has not to come to a complete stand still for many of our clients. However, during this time, the recruitment and on -boarding may take just a little bit longer than normal.