Temp & Contract Recruitment


Temps can be a fantastic help for your business. They don’t affect your permanent headcount and can be a great extra resource in many different situations, including covering a staff absence, assisting with a particular project or undertaking a brand new role.

By 2020 the UK will have 2 million temps out on assignment, so it’s certainly a popular and growing field.

We’ve been placing temps at every level for over 30 years, so if you’re interested in employing a temp/contractor for your business Contact Us


5 Benefits of Employing a Temp

It Can Save You Money - In the short term, hiring a temp is obviously cheaper than committing to a permanent employee, especially when you may be unsure yet whether an additional permanent staff member is required.


Gives Your Business Access to New Skills - Temps can bring new skills and perspectives to your organisation, which can improve efficiency and streamline workflows.


They Can Lead to Excellent Permanent Hires -Finding the right staff for your organisation can be challenging and expensive, however, your temps can be tried and tested over several weeks/months before committing to take them on permanently, ensuring the right fit for both sides. They can also cover an increased workload while the business seeks the right new permanent person


Flexibility - Being able to take on additional workers or scale back a temporary workforce to respond quickly to changes in workflow is a great advantage for a business.

It Can Boost Staff Morale - The addition of short-term staff can help lift the overall workplace mood and ensure your permanent employees stay happy and productive. If your employees are having to work long hours and/or double up on roles due to an increased workload or staff absence, this can lead to stress and exhaustion, so they’ll relish the opportunity to have some help.


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If you are unsure about how to take the next step, or which step to take, give us a ring on 710639 or e-mail us to arrange an appointment and we will talk you through the best way forward. We can advise on which courses to consider, professional studies, how to try and secure that desired promotion, a change in career direction, altering working hours, and more...