My Time at Situations


“I have been temping at Situations Recruitment for the last month now during their busy period, the girls I work with are a great, friendly bunch of people who are extremely happy to help and support you through anything, they’re very motivated and committed to finding a candidate the best possible job for them whilst remaining very positive and having a can-do attitude.
Whilst working at Situations my duties have included editing candidates’ CVs for the consultants and asking former employers for a candidate’s reference to be sent to us. I answer the phone calls and invite anyone who comes to reception to see a consultant by taking them through to the meeting room and making them feel welcome. I also scan documents into the system and do the filing.
It has been a great few weeks working here before I commence my University studies and I would definitely recommend Situations Recruitment Agency to anyone looking for a job!“

Alex Veron – Temp Administrator

Jenny Mitchell, Joint MD of Situations said:

“It’s been a pleasure having Alex with us and she has been an invaluable help during a busy period in the office. We wish her every success in her forthcoming studies.”



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