Get to Know Gemma Le Page

We pride ourselves in taking the time to get to know our candidates and clients thoroughly so we can ensure we match people up with their dream job! So we thought it might be good for you to get to know us a little.

See below some interesting facts about our newest Consultant, Gemma Le Page!


What would you sing at Karaoke night? “So Yesterday” by Hilary Duff

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? Portable stereo, water ….. my husband 😊

Is your glass half-full or half-empty? I try my best to always see it half full, although that’s not always easy!

If you could have a drink with someone from history who would it be? Robin Williams

If you weren’t working in the job you have now, what would you do? I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger, but I think I was born to do exactly what I do now.

If you could change something in the world, what would it be? No more Hunting of animals for trophies!

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? “Don’t worry about tomorrow, its going to come anyway, live in the now.”

Describe one experience that challenged you? I suffer with anxiety on a daily basis and that challenges me, but I work hard to never let it win, and I believe it has made me a more empathetic and caring person.

What is your favourite family tradition? Putting my mum's Xmas tree up, just us two, lots of prosecco and blaring Christmas music. Even now I am older and moved out, I still always go home and do that with her every year.


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